All about  the thomas dennett memorial trust

What do we do? And Why?

Thomas Dennett died in December 2022 aged 17. His death was sudden and unexpected. His family and school set up The Thomas Dennett Memorial Trust with two purposes:

-To support the families of children who die suddenly

-To support the families of people who are suffering from a life changing and terminal illness.

Thomas’s family had not expected such support for this Trust and it has taken time to research the options availaible

The trust will be run as a charity, following the government guidelines for charitable trusts. The Trust will be administered through the South Hunsley Schools existing trust. A deed of trust is currently being written, with Richard Williman, the South Hunsley School Headmaster, acting as a Priniciple Trustee, overseeing the establishment of the mechanisims required for the allocation of funds and to ensure this is done appropriately and in accordance with the school’s existing governance. Sarah Dennett will be the other Principle Trustee, her roles will be to oversee the detailing of the trusts ‘Objectives’. Once the deed of trust is completed and executed by the schools governors, Sarah and Richard Williman will apoint any additional Trustees required in the appropriate manner.

There is a separate fundraising committee. The Chairman of this committee is Oscar Dennett with several keen assistants. Oscar Dennett is also in charge of marketing. At some point in the autumn once the deed of trust is in place we will have our first formal meeting of the fundraising commitee. Further details will be made available closer to the time.

Details of all the events that have happened and planned events are available on the “Events” section of this website. Everybody is welcome to raise money for the cause. Contact us if you want to help or have any ideas.

Each event will have its own JustGiving page so we can keep track of the great work everybody is doing. We will maintain an overview of everything that has been raised on this website.

The Trust will periodically publish a summary of the help that has been provided.

things we are working on:


Instagram is our main social media platform, follow us @thomasdennett_trust.


You can find us on linkedIn at @thomasdennettmemorialtrust

Youtube channel

Our YouTube channel is now up, it is called “Thomas Dennett Memorial Trust”. We have many plans for the channel which we are now working on.

Who was Thomas Dennett? 

Thomas Dennett was a 17-year-old schoolboy in his final year of school. He was looking forward to Christmas and preparing for his mock A-levels when he developed symptoms identical to flu symptoms many others had at the time. After a few days of illness he died suddenly and with no warning.

Thomas was a fit and active boy, who played football, golf and cricket as well as enjoying skiing and travelling. He was social, empathetic and kind. His death came as a shock to a lot of people and it is testimony to his character that many who knew him wanted to remember him and try to make some good come from his death. Hence this trust.